Toro Precision Series Stream Nozzles

Based on the design of the world’s leading geardriven rotor for golf applications, the Precision Series Rotating Nozzle powered by its proven planetary gear drive, delivers wind-resistant, multistream, multi-trajectory patterns.
Both the full circle and adjustable arc models deliver a radius range of 4.6 - 7.9 metres with exceptional uniformity and outstanding close-in watering, preventing the need to extend irrigation cycles to compensate for brown spots. The consistent matched precipitation rate of 14mm per hour helps meet the needs of tight water windows.
Toro’s Precision Rotating Stream Nozzles look and install like a standard spray nozzle, but adjust and perform like a rotor. Offering lower flows, simple arc adjustment and higher overall irrigation efficiency, this nozzle efficiently places water where you need it.
The planetary gear drive provides 10 times the torque of competitive rotating stream nozzles, delivering the necessary power to overcome debris resistance and pressure fluctuations.
With fewer SKUs than the competition, you only need 2 nozzles, full and part circle, which are available in both male and female threads to suit all major body types.
Regardless of inlet pressure, the Precision Rotating Stream Nozzles offer consistent rotation speed, and precipitation rates that deliver unparalleled uniformity.

Utilizes a proven planetary gear drive, variable stator and turbine to rotate the nozzle.

Fewer Models
Only two male-threaded nozzles and two female-threaded nozzles are required to cover radius range from 14-26 feet (4,3m-8,0m) and arc range from 45-360°.Download | Type | Information |
Detailed Specifications | Specifications |
The breakthrough result of more than 30 years of tape research, development and manufacturing.